Welcome to The Part-Time Muso

Darron Beahan
3 min readJun 29, 2021
The Part Time Muso

This is me. My name is Daz and I live in Queensland, Australia and I’m a Part-Time Musician. I have started this blog for all the musicians out there who want to take their musicianship to the next level and start earning an income (side-hustle) from their passion. If you have ever asked yourself these questions, I hope to answer them for you:

How do I make money from my music? / How can I create a side hustle from my music?

How do I get gigs?

How do I get venues to rehire me?

What gear do I need to start gigging?

How do I build and increase my repertoire?

How can I monetise my talent and passion?

As of this writing in June 2021, the world is still amid a devastating crisis with COVID-19. If we can take any positives out of the tragic and mass disruption to our everyday lives, it is the amount of creativity that people are finding, nurturing and sharing with the world while we lockdown and isolate.

This is also what has helped inspire me to publish this BLOG. I have witnessed incredible individual talents from friends and strangers alike within the various social media outlets available to us. I hope to inspire some of these people to take that step they have always wanted to take, to ignite the passion to perform for others, and make a tidy little side income while doing it.

In short, this BLOG is all about “How To Become A Part-Time Muso”.

Becoming a part-time musician has been simply transformational in my life. If you are one of those people who know you have talent, you hear people praise your abilities when you bust out the old six-string at BBQ’s and parties. People saying “You are really talented, you should play at pubs”, Why don’t you do this for a living?” This blog is for you.

Well, it took me years to finally bite the bullet and do just this. This is exactly how I was able to increase my yearly income by nearly $20k per year. Do you know how many shiny new guitars you can buy guilt-free with this additional income?

Yes, people can make great full time income also from gigging. For me however, being a part-time musician is the perfect balance between:

  • having fun (so that gigging doesn’t become work)
  • earning an income from something you love (ka-ching)
  • having financial stability and security by maintaining a full time job (the importance of which was evidenced during the COVID-19 blanket ban on venues/performances)
  • Earning money to buy cool new gear
  • Meeting new people and new muso’s and expanding your network

I’ve created this BLOG with the hope of being able to give a little back to the music community.

If it helps only a few people to get started then I have accomplished what I aim to achieve. I hope it inspires that guy or girl who uploaded their first video on Facebook and received 100’s of likes. You guys can totally start making a great side-hustle from music. And it’s easy. I hope to be able to take you through, step-by-step how I went from playing in my bedroom, to busking and finally on to being able to do as many gigs as I want to do.

Unfortunately, just like when you were learning your music craft, this will not happen overnight. But if you are determined and committed, it is really easy to go from Bedroom-Bard to Sunday-Session-Songster within a couple of months.

I am not the best singer, I am not the best guitarist. But I have a passion for sharing my love of music with others and that passion passes onto those who attend my gigs. It is amazingly simple to be successful in your local music scene and I hope to cover most of the attributes that I have found to help me succeed in doing just that.

So stay tuned and join me on this journey and allow me to guide you through how to start earning a respectable side-income from your musicianship.



Darron Beahan

Helping musicians monetise their music.